Fountas & Pinnell Blog

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The purpose of guided reading is to support the reader’s building of an effective processing system, enabling them to expand their reading power over time.

Enhance your teaching power with the Fountas & Pinnell Prompting Guide Apps, now available in the Google Play Store.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Responsive teaching brings the teaching to the child. It's not about fitting the children into a preconceived slot or sequence, but finding out what that student is interested in, what motivates them, what their hopes and desires are.

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One goal of our teaching is to help children become active examiners and analyzers of print.

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When students encounter responsive teaching in all literacy contexts, they get a powerful message: Reading is thinking.

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On May 11-14, 2020, join Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell for an interactive four-day institute on Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™.

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Each element in a guided reading lesson is directed at helping students build their independent processing power.

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In discussing a guided reading text, you want to support students in the discussion so that they help each other reach for the deeper meaning of the text.

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There is no script for you to follow in guided reading. The lesson is highly structured and organized to support learning; however, your teaching interactions with students depend on their responses and the goals you see as important for them.

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Wondering when to start kindergarteners in LLI? Read this week’s FAQ

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View the dates and locations of this year's Leveled Literacy Intervention multi-day institutes.

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We are drawn to texts that help us remember and better understand our own experiences and emotions, creating links between our own lives and those of other human beings who may be far distant in terms of culture, geography, or time.

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Previous reading experiences have everything to do with processing a text successfully. The more you have read, the more information you carry with you the next time you read.

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Teacher Tip: Steps to Preparing an Introduction to a Text for Guided Reading Lessons

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Reading fluency is a complicated business: every kind of strategy needed to achieve comprehension—rapid word solving, anticipating, monitoring, accessing and using information—works together to propel the reader through the text.

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When to use a cold read vs. a warm read during a reading record?

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All texts demand that the reader put together and hold in memory what has already been read while at the same time continue to process new information.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

“Happy World Read Aloud Day!” Reading aloud and discussing texts with children helps them become interested in print, notice characteristics of genres, and expand their vocabulary and content knowledge; it gives them something of substance to think about and talk about.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Fountas and Pinnell.