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Daily Lit Bit - 1/21/19

When you read to a group over time, every text makes it possible for them to share ideas and get to know other people and places in the context of a pleasurable experience.  (continue reading)
Mon, Jan 21, '19

FAQ Friday: Is there a Suggested Sequence of Reading Minilessons?

A: There is a suggested sequence of reading minilesson umbrellas found in chapter 8 of The Reading Minilessons Book that is intended to establish good classroom management early and work toward more sophisticated concepts across the year.  (continue reading)
Fri, Jan 18, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 1/14/19

During interactive read-aloud, students are meant to listen to the story, not try to decode words and attend to punctuation.  (continue reading)
Mon, Jan 14, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 1/3/19

Reading aloud is an essential foundation of a good language and literacy system.  (continue reading)
Thu, Jan 3, '19

Engaging Books – The Heart of Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™

A rich and authentic text base is the foundation for Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™.  (continue reading)
Fri, Nov 30, '18

Teacher Tip: Weave Intentional Talk into Whole-Group Teaching

Intentional talk refers to the language you use that is consciously directed toward the goal of instruction. When you plan for intentional talk in your interactive read-aloud and shared reading experiences, think about the meaning of the text and what your students will need to think about to fully  (continue reading)
Tue, Nov 20, '18

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