FAQ Friday: Is there a Suggested Sequence of Reading Minilessons?

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Q: Is there a suggested sequence of Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Reading Minilessons?

Q: Is there a suggested sequence of Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Reading Minilessons?

A: There is a suggested sequence of reading minilesson umbrellas found in chapter 8 of The Reading Minilessons Book (and downloadable from the online resources for record keeping) that is intended to establish good classroom management early and work toward more sophisticated concepts across the year. The sequence follows the suggested sequence of texts sets in the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Interactive Read-Aloud Collection. If you are using this collection, you are invited to follow this sequence of texts. If you are not using it, the first page of each reading minilesson umbrella describes the types of books students will need to have read before you teach the minilessons. 


If you are new to these minilessons, you may want to follow the suggested sequence, but remember to use the lessons flexibly to meet the needs of the students you teach:

  • Omit lessons that you think are not necessary for your students.
  • Repeat some lessons you think need more time and instructional attention.
  • Repeat some lessons using different examples for a particularly rich experience.
  • Move lessons around to be consistent with the curriculum that is adopted in your school or district.

The minilessons in The Reading Minilessons Book are there for your selection according to the instructional needs of your class, so do not be concerned if you do not use them all within the year.

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