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Teaching for Knowledge Building and Comprehension with Authentic Texts

Explore strategies for enhancing classroom literacy with interactive read-alouds and authentic text sets to build knowledge, comprehension, and vocabulary.  (continue reading)
Wed, May 15, '24

Exploring Essential Types of Texts Every Learner Should Read

Discover how different texts and genres strengthen literacy and a love for reading in every learner. Read this practical guide for educators.  (continue reading)
Wed, Mar 27, '24

What Types of Texts Do Children Need Access to When Learning to Read? A Free Webinar

Register now for a free webinar on important types of student texts for the PreK-6 literacy classroom with Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.  (continue reading)
Mon, Mar 11, '24

Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Summer School Lesson Plans and Resources

Summer is an opportunity to be responsive to students’ needs and help them prepare for the year ahead. Learn more about Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ resources that fit a summer school schedule.  (continue reading)
Mon, Feb 27, '23

How to Select Books for an Engaging Interactive Read-Aloud Experience

Tips for choosing engaging books that all students will enjoy while offering teaching opportunities that suit the needs of the students in your classroom.  (continue reading)
Fri, Feb 17, '23

Opportunities for Intentional Talk in the Classroom

When students talk about what they are reading, they reveal their understandings and perspectives, communicate and refine their ideas, and make connections to their own experiences.  (continue reading)
Fri, Oct 21, '22

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