We've pulled together our top picks from the Fountas & Pinnell blog that were published in 2022! Browse the blogs below, bookmark them for later, and share them with your own educator community.
Opportunities for Intentional Talk in the Classroom
Plentiful opportunities for student talk are a critical component of literacy learning. Student talk reflects and expands their thinking. When students talk about what they are reading and writing, they uncover and reveal their understandings and perspectives, communicate and refine their ideas, and make connections to their own experiences. Intentional talk also provides teachers with a treasure trove of information that will help inform teaching. Read more here.
How to Foster a Love of Reading Through Choice
We want our students to love reading books. We want them to go over to a bookshelf, choose a book that interests them, and dive in with gusto. The ability to choose books that are engaging and accessible is a vital part of developing a passion for books and a strong identity as a reader. Read more here.
Create a Healthy Classroom Community: A 3-Part Series
The 3-part Create a Healthy Classroom series was adapted from Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell. Click the links below to read each blog in the series:
1. Create a Healthy Classroom Community: The Physical Setting
2. Create a Healthy Classroom Community: A Climate of Belonging
3. Create a Healthy Classroom Community: The Home-School Connection
A Guide to Getting Started with Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™
Are you just getting started with Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ (FPC)? We've created an entire webpage to help you as you begin your journey. Navigate to the Unpacking and Getting Started webpage to unpack, get acquainted with your materials, and get organized. Read more here.
The 2-part Benefits of Shared Reading series defines how shared reading is beneficial in both primary and intermediate classrooms. Click the links below to read each blog in the series:
1. The Benefits of Shared Reading for Primary Readers: A Bridge to Independence
2. The Benefits of Shared Reading for Intermediate Readers: A Map for Exploring the Unknown Together