Heinemann publishing, in partnership with Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, is pleased to announce an introductory version of FPL Digital: Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) 3-5+ System Subscriptions for purchasers of the print resources. This addition of Grades 3-5+ makes the offering of K-5+ complete.
FPL Digital subscriptions offer Leveled Literacy Intervention print customers access to the components of their beloved LLI K–5+ Systems in a secure student-facing platform.
Now with FPL Digital, you can:
- set up LLI groups and assign books online,
- captivate students’ interest with digital access to the highest quality, engaging, diverse, LLI books,
- access LLI lessons, resources, and preview books for efficient planning,
- provide targeted, cutting-edge, virtual instruction to engage and accelerate students’ literacy learning,
- meet your students’ needs and lead them forward in their ability to process increasingly challenging texts with accuracy, fluency, and deep comprehension,
- reinforce phonics/word work learning with digital pocket chart and magnetic letter activities for students (K-2)
Individual teacher subscriptions can be purchased for the LLI K–5+ Systems through your local Heinemann Sales Representative.
We remain committed to you – educators – no matter where you are required to teach.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Digital subscription eligibility is directly dependent on your schools print purchases. All subscription orders must be placed through your local Heinemann Sales Representative.