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6 Characteristics of Effective Reading Intervention


If a child is falling behind their peers in reading, it is important to intervene. Students who find reading and writing difficult need daily intervention that is supplemental to classroom instruction. Reading difficulties are preventable with effective intervention systems that encourage student's literacy growth. 

To ensure students are given the boost they need for literacy success, follow these six guidelines for effective intervention.



Interventions must have flexible entry and exit points so that individual needs may be accommodated. In an intensive, highly-effective program like Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), students can make accelerated progress.



Lessons must be supplemental to good classroom instruction; it is the combination of classroom instruction and intensive small-group intervention that leads to success.



Frequent lessons are best so that readers can gain and sustain momentum and acceleration is made possible. LLI is taught 5 days a week, every week.



Fountas and Pinnell recommend a teacher-student ratio of 1:3 for grades K-2 and 1:4 for grades 3-12.



Teachers of struggling readers and writers should be exceptionally skilled in systematic observation, in the assessment of reading behaviors, and in teaching for the range of strategic actions that proficient readers use.



Teamwork is critical among all who have a role in supporting struggling readers. When classroom and intervention teachers are working toward the same goals, students can make accelerated progress. LLI is built on the firm foundation of The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum—a roadmap for teachers to create a shared vision of learning.


Explore an ESSA-rated STRONG reading intervention system that offers these six characteristics and more.

Explore Effective Intervention

ESSA Rated Strong: Read the Study




Stanovich, K.E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360-406.

Goldenberg, C.N. (1994). Promoting early literacy among Spanish-speaking children: Lessons from two studies. In E.H. Hiebert & B.M. Taylor (Eds.), Getting Ready Right from the Start: Effective Early Literacy Interventions. Needham, MA. Allyn & Bacon.

Hiebert, E.H. & B.M. Taylor (1994). Early literacy interventions: Answers and issues. In E.H. Hiebert & B.M. Taylor (Eds.), Getting Ready Right from the Start: Effective Early Literacy Interventions. Needham, MA. Allyn & Bacon.

Clay, M.M. (2001). Change Over Time in Children’s Literacy Development. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Schmidt, M.C., Askew, B.J., Fountas, I.C., Lyons, C.A. & Pinnell, G.S. (2005). Changing Futures: The Influence of Reading Recovery in the United States. Worthington, OH: Reading Recovery Council of North America.

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Fri, Feb 10, '23

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