What Works Clearinghouse™ Finds Positive Effects for Beginning Readers in LLI!


Recently, What Works Clearinghouse™ (WWC) released a report that validated what Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) users have known all along: that it has positive effects in general reading achievement and potentially positive effects in reading fluency for students.

Recently, What Works Clearinghouse™ (WWC) released a report that validated what Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) users have known all along: that it has positive effects in general reading achievement and potentially positive effects in reading fluency for students.

"This study found robust effects on the LLI benchmarks across all grade levels for students who received LLI." Dr. Carolyn Ransford-Kaldon, CREP, University of Memphis

What does this mean?

LLI is a small-group, supplemental literacy intervention system designed to help
struggling readers quickly achieve grade-level competency. WWC validated an independent study conducted by The University of Memphis’s Center for Research in Educational Policy (CREP) that showed LLI was effective in significantly improving the literacy achievement of struggling readers and writers in grades K–2.

Why is this important?

According to their website, the goal of WWC is “to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions. We focus on the results from high-quality research to answer the question ‘What works in education?’” When teachers and administrators see that a product has been validated by WWC, they know they can trust its effectiveness.

They can trust LLI.

“Heinemann has been the proud publisher of Fountas and Pinnell’s groundbreaking work for more than two decades,” said Vicki Boyd, EVP and General Manager of Heinemann. “We are delighted to see WWC’s validation of the Leveled Literacy Intervention System for struggling readers and look forward to continuing to partner with Fountas and Pinnell to bring this vitally important resource to educators and students across the country.”

To view the efficacy study results to learn more about the Leveled Literacy Intervention System, please visit


~The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Team

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