Why ODMS (Online Data Management System)?


For those who have purchased Benchmark Assessment System, Sistema de evaluación de la lectura, Leveled Literacy Intervention System, or Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection, you may know that with your purchase you automatically gain access to a one-year, free trial subscription to the Online Data Management System (ODMS). If you have taken advantage of this offer, then you know how valuable this tool is. If not, you are missing out. Here’s why.

What is ODMS?

ODMS was developed for teachers and administrators to collect, share, and analyze assessment data and monitor student progress. It is a password-protected, web-based system meant to keep administrators and teachers informed. Teacher users of the system can enter student reading assessment data and view reports on individual student reading levels or comprehension levels, as well as see reports showing whole-class data. ODMS is a secure and efficient way for teachers, as well as school and district administrators, to manage assessment data.


ODMS has many benefits. Below are some of the reasons to take advantage of the free trial and keep the subscription going year after year.

  • Universal Screening. You can collect, analyze, and report data on individual and class literacy levels. You can then use that data to inform data team meetings, parent-teacher conferences student progress from year to year, and responsive teaching.
  • Progress Monitoring. By entering data gained from assessment into the ODMS, you can conveniently see the growth of students' instructional and independent reading levels over time.
  • Evaluate effectiveness of instruction. With integrated reporting tools, you can use the information from ODMS to see how effective your instruction is, or where it might need a little help.
  • Share data. You can customize reports and share data according to district requirements.
  • Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Accountability. You can use ODMS to determine whether all students, as well as individual subgroups of students, are making progress toward meeting state academic content standards.

How Do I Use ODMS?

If you have purchased any of the systems mentioned above, you will have a guide that contains instructions on how to log in to the ODMS. But for a deeper dive into how to use ODMS, watch any of these freeWEBINARS where you’ll learn from trained consultants on everything from logging in to the system to entering data and creating reports.

After your free trial ends, it is a $30 per-user, per-year subscription, which you can purchase HERE. And if you have any questions, you can contact our Tech Support team who are available via phone, email, or live chat at

~The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Team
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