Expand Your Guided Reading Teaching Moves with Self-Reflection: A Teacher Tip from Fountas and Pinnell
January 10, 2017
Fountas & Pinnell Online Resources: What they are and how to find them
January 6, 2017
The key characteristics of effective literature study are selecting texts, forming groups, establishing routines, facilitating discussion and varying the organizational models.
January 3, 2017
The most effective intervention is implemented early in a child’s school career—before the cycle of failure is established.
December 27, 2016
Ask Meli!
December 8, 2016
Part one of a Twitter chat on Guided Reading: Responsive Teaching Across the Grades, Second Edition.
November 18, 2016
Small-group instruction is more powerful when nested within a variety of instructional contexts with varying levels of support.
November 10, 2016
How Do I Use The Literacy Continuum?
October 27, 2016
The Literacy Continuum is THE essential tool for elevating your language and literacy expertise.
October 20, 2016
What is LLI?
October 5, 2016
A Level is a Teacher's Tool, NOT a Child's Label
September 29, 2016
What Is a Level and How Can I Make it Work for Me?
September 23, 2016
On Thursday, September 15, 2016, Fountas & Pinnell hosted a Twitter chat on the NEW Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 and 2, Third Edition.
September 16, 2016
What is New in Benchmark Assessment System 1 and 2, Third Edition? Can I Use Second Edition Materials with the Third Edition?
September 14, 2016
Your BAS conference is a wonderful opportunity to spend a short time with each child to get a big payoff.
August 29, 2016