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JUST IN! New WWC Report: Leveled Literacy Intervention Has Positive Impacts for Beginning Readers

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This document is organized to show the close connection between each of the continua in The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum and the Common Core State Standards.

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How to Design Your Classroom to Build a Strong Community

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Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Online Resources are Now Available!

The Fountas & Pinnell Reading Record App is an efficient alternative to taking a reading record on paper.

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A key to an efficient conference is being organized, knowing where to begin the assessment, and moving the assessment along at a good pace. Here are some tips for conducting an assessment conference efficiently.

Our community is growing and we hope you all can take advantage of these great new additions!

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On Thursday, August 31, 2017, Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell hosted a Twitter Chat about The Power and Purpose of Assessment.

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We need to find ways to cope with the demands of the testing environment and still help our students have happy, productive, and satisfying literacy experiences.

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Come join our 40,000+ member community!

Ask Meli is back!!

In August, 2016, Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ relaunched, a daily retreat for teachers, literacy leaders, and district administrators to reflect, recharge, and redefine their literacy instruction.

Recording Forms

Enhanced Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Recording Forms: Why we changed them and how it might affect you

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While the best measure of students’ ability is to observe them while reading continuous text, you can also learn much about their word-solving strategies by having them read individual words.

Every teacher needs tools to support their instruction. In shared reading, the following key tools will be helpful to support your lesson.

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Here is a rundown of the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ resources that incorporate phonics, spelling, and word study, as well as what it looks like to teach with these valuable resources in the classroom.


It's not always easy to find time for literacy instruction in the classroom, so here are some suggestions for making more time for language and literacy learning.

If you are attending the International Literacy Association (ILA) 2017 Conference in Orlando, Florida, here are some tips to make sure you don't miss out on all things Fountas & Pinnell.