Topic: Daily Lit Bit

The more students connect and solve words by looking at the parts, the easier it will be for them to derive meaning.

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We believe that every child deserves to live a literate life every day in the classroom.

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In a community of learners, students are propelled by their own interests.

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There's nothing motivating about reading just to practice reading.

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Teaching children to read is the challenge and the responsibility of every teacher who enters the profession.

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Effective readers have self-extending systems; they are self-initiating, self-regulating, and independent.

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If you want to kill independent reading, have students choose books by level instead of what interests them.

The more you know your students, the more systematic you will be in your teaching.

Self-selection in independent reading is very important. It's how students learn to choose what they love to read.

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When students encounter responsive teaching in all literacy contexts, they get a powerful message: Reading is thinking.

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Based on your observations in guided reading, select teaching moves that will develop the reader’s problem-solving abilities.

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The goal of guided reading is to teach students how to engage in strategic actions they can apply again the next day and thereafter.

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Everything you do supports students in expanding strategic actions, which must be constructed by the reader, but not without help.

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In our highly literate society, the ability to read is an important component in an individual’s quality of life.

Teaching children to read is the challenge and the responsibility of every teacher who enters the profession.

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When students spend their time thinking, reading, writing, and talking every day, they get a message about what is valued in your classroom and they begin to develop their own values.

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We all have more learning to do every year of teaching.

As new professional learning takes hold, you reconcile what you know already with the new understandings, and smoothly operating procedures grow as a result.