Topic: Daily Lit Bit

FPL Daily Lit Bit

The act and process of reading and the reader's response through talk and writing are powerful tools for high-impact teaching.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Literacy behaviors enable teachers to infer what students are able to do as they think their way through a text.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

One of the benefits of a systematic Benchmark Assessment System is that teachers will be able to select texts appropriately for maximum progress.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Assessment helps teachers identify where to emphasize teaching.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

The goal of assessment is to grow in our understandings of our students and the processes involved in learning to read.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Assessment is not teaching; it is gathering information for teaching.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Assessment must result in informed teaching.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

To be effective, intervention must incorporate everything we know about what students need to learn, especially those who are experiencing difficulty.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

If our children are not learning, then we have to find a better way to teach them.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Teachers teach children. NOT programs.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Our roles as teachers is not only to teach children how to read, but to teach them to WANT to read.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

As important as it is for students to see themselves as readers, it's just as important for them to see themselves as writers.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

To be effective, intervention must incorporate everything we know about what students need to learn, especially those who are experiencing difficulty.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Good readers read regularly, voluntarily, and voraciously. They read a wide variety of material with confidence and enjoyment.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

The challenge of assessment is to put ourselves in a good position to observe and analyze the process and product of reading.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Teaching is the opportunity to help students expand their processing power in a way that is generative.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

The purpose of assessment is to meet students where they are and bring them forward with intention and precision.

FPL Daily Lit Bit

Our goal is to help teachers use tools to understand more about the reading process.