FAQ Friday: How Long is a Shared Reading Lesson?

FAQ Friday 11 3 17

Q: How long is a Shared Reading lesson?

Q: How long is a Shared Reading lesson?

A: You should spend 10 minutes each day doing shared reading, and each shared reading book should be revisited several times over multiple days. How many days you stay with a book depends on how engaged the students are with the text.

Example lesson:

  1. Day/sitting 1– teacher reads and discusses text to the children and children read the whole text with the teacher
  2. Day/sitting 2 – children read the text with the teacher (may be for a different purpose or the same as the day before) and discuss
  3. Day/sitting 3 or more – children read the text with the teacher for various purposes until the teacher feels it is time to move to another book.

There is not just one way to do shared reading and it is not really a straight linear progression. You may revisit a book more than once and target something different each time. You can also reread the same book during a different sitting in the same day.