Brainstorm Animal Homes

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Brainstorm Animal Homes

Discuss with children how other living creatures have homes and families, just like they do. Brainstorm and talk about some things that a home provides for an animal (for example, shelter from the weather, safety from other animals, a safe place for babies). Together, name as many animals as you can in 1 minute, and then discuss (or look up) the types of homes for each one, and how each is similar and different.

Brainstorm Animal Homes

Discuss with children how other living creatures have homes and families, just like they do. Brainstorm and talk about some things that a home provides for an animal (for example, shelter from the weather, safety from other animals, a safe place for babies). Together, name as many animals as you can in 1 minute, and then discuss (or look up) the types of homes for each one, and how each is similar and different.

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