Use Descriptive Words

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Use Descriptive Words

Talk about how poems often say a lot with just a few words. Share examples of poems or parts of poems and discuss the language choices the writers have made. Take a walk in nature, and instruct the child to choose an object such as a leaf, an apple, a shell, a stone, a flower, a tree branch, or a pinecone. Ask the child to write a list of descriptive words about the object they chose, and to draw a picture.

Use Descriptive Words

Talk about how poems often say a lot with just a few words. Share examples of poems or parts of poems and discuss the language choices the writers have made. Take a walk in nature, and instruct the child to choose an object such as a leaf, an apple, a shell, a stone, a flower, a tree branch, or a pinecone. Ask the child to write a list of descriptive words about the object they chose, and to draw a picture.

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