Draw to Show Your Thinking

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Draw to Show Your Thinking

Talk to the child about how illustrators and artists use drawing to show their thinking. Tell them that just like illustrators, they can show their thinking on paper, too. Choose a simple object for the child to draw, such as an object from the playground or a nature walk, or an enlarged photograph of a wild animal. Tell them that the first thing artists do is look carefully at what they are drawing. Have the child look carefully at the object and talk about what they notice. Then, hand out various art supplies and blank paper, and have the child draw the object.

Draw to Show Your Thinking

Talk to the child about how illustrators and artists use drawing to show their thinking. Tell them that just like illustrators, they can show their thinking on paper, too. Choose a simple object for the child to draw, such as an object from the playground or a nature walk, or an enlarged photograph of a wild animal. Tell them that the first thing artists do is look carefully at what they are drawing. Have the child look carefully at the object and talk about what they notice. Then, hand out various art supplies and blank paper, and have the child draw the object.


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