Focus on Characters

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Focus on Characters

Share a book, fairy tale, or nursery rhyme with the child. Read or tell the story once all the way through, and then go through it a second time, this time with the child creating a picture card for each major character. The picture card should include a drawing or representation of what the character might look like, descriptive words about the character's features and behavior, and a summary of the character's role in the story. Finally, have the child tell you the story, using the picture cards as an aid.

Focus on Characters

Share a book, fairy tale, or nursery rhyme with the child. Read or tell the story once all the way through, and then go through it a second time, this time with the child creating a picture card for each major character. The picture card should include a drawing or representation of what the character might look like, descriptive words about the character's features and behavior, and a summary of the character's role in the story. Finally, have the child tell you the story, using the picture cards as an aid.


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