Plan a Garden

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Plan a Garden

Have the child brainstorm a list of things that plants need in order to live, such as water, air, soil, food, and sunlight. Tell the the child that they are going to plan a garden. Use the list and work together to plan what you will need to collect in order to grow plants, beginning with seeds. Encourage the child to think about what kind of materials they’ll need, how they will water and feed the seeds and plants, and where they will place them as they grow. Bonus: really plant the garden!

Plan a Garden

Have the child brainstorm a list of things that plants need in order to live, such as water, air, soil, food, and sunlight. Tell the the child that they are going to plan a garden. Use the list and work together to plan what you will need to collect in order to grow plants, beginning with seeds. Encourage the child to think about what kind of materials they’ll need, how they will water and feed the seeds and plants, and where they will place them as they grow. Bonus: really plant the garden!

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