Plot Big Memories on a Graphic Organizer

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Plot Big Memories on a Graphic Organizer

Discuss with the child some of the events from their lives that they consider significant for some reason. Point out that these memories might have happened in a single day, or might have taken place over a longer period of time, or during a series of days over a period of years. Talk about how these events changed or shaped them. Have the student brainstorm at least three important events in their life, then choose one to focus on. Have each make a graphic organizer with a box for each of the following: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Have them fill in details in each box that relate to the experience or event they chose. Explain that the “Why” is the heart of the memory story and should explain why they chose that particular experience.


Plot Big Memories on a Graphic Organizer

Discuss with the child some of the events from their lives that they consider significant for some reason. Point out that these memories might have happened in a single day, or might have taken place over a longer period of time, or during a series of days over a period of years. Talk about how these events changed or shaped them. Have the student brainstorm at least three important events in their life, then choose one to focus on. Have each make a graphic organizer with a box for each of the following: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Have them fill in details in each box that relate to the experience or event they chose. Explain that the “Why” is the heart of the memory story and should explain why they chose that particular experience.



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