Role-Play Not Giving Up

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Role-Play Not Giving Up

Talk about why it’s important to keep trying, even when you feel tired or discouraged. Talk about the characters in favorite books or real people who overcame adversity or stuck with something even though it was difficult or took a long time. Discuss how these people felt when they achieved their goals, and how they might have felt if they had given up. Have the student role-play different scenarios, with characters who give up and with characters who keep trying.


Role-Play Not Giving Up

Talk about why it’s important to keep trying, even when you feel tired or discouraged. Talk about the characters in favorite books or real people who overcame adversity or stuck with something even though it was difficult or took a long time. Discuss how these people felt when they achieved their goals, and how they might have felt if they had given up. Have the student role-play different scenarios, with characters who give up and with characters who keep trying.



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