Find Similarities and Differences in Animals and People

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Find Similarities and Differences in Animals and People

Have the student discuss ways that animals and people are similar and different when it comes to journeys. How do animals move over long distances? Do they go individually or in groups? Why do they move from one place to another? The student can brainstorm a list of reasons why people travel and a list of reasons why animals travel. Challenge them to talk about ways that humans can work to protect animals and preserve animal habitats and behavior.


Find Similarities and Differences in Animals and People

Have the student discuss ways that animals and people are similar and different when it comes to journeys. How do animals move over long distances? Do they go individually or in groups? Why do they move from one place to another? The student can brainstorm a list of reasons why people travel and a list of reasons why animals travel. Challenge them to talk about ways that humans can work to protect animals and preserve animal habitats and behavior.



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