Learn about Different Cultures Through Pourquoi Tales

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Learn about Different Cultures Through Pourquoi Tales

Pourquoi tales are fables that explain natural phenomena, like why rain falls or why dogs bark. Have the student read a selection of pourquoi tales, like Why Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears, Cat and Rat, The Legend of the Lady Slipper, or Dragonfly's Tale. Talk about the different cultures represented by the books in the books they read. The student can use Internet and print resources to search for more information on these cultures. Have them prepare a presentation, using a medium of their choice, about one particular culture. Encourage them to make connections between their findings and the pourquoi tale from that culture.


Learn about Different Cultures Through Pourquoi Tales

Pourquoi tales are fables that explain natural phenomena, like why rain falls or why dogs bark. Have the student read a selection of pourquoi tales, like Why Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears, Cat and Rat, The Legend of the Lady Slipper, or Dragonfly's Tale. Talk about the different cultures represented by the books in the books they read. The student can use Internet and print resources to search for more information on these cultures. Have them prepare a presentation, using a medium of their choice, about one particular culture. Encourage them to make connections between their findings and the pourquoi tale from that culture.



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