Keep a Drawing Journal

Keep a Drawing Journal

Keep a Drawing Journal

Invite the student to share examples of memories they have of the past or dreams or expectations they have for the future. Remind the student that while it’s easy to think about the past and the future, it’s often difficult to focus on the present. One way to do that is to keep a daily drawing journal. Use a notebook, or create blank drawing journals made by folding and stapling together several sheets of paper. Tell the student that they’ll be keeping a drawing journal for one month, spending about 5 to 10 minutes each day drawing in their journal. These drawings should capture objects or moments from their daily life, such as the meal they’re having for breakfast, the shoes they’re wearing to school, or what the sky looks like that day. At the end of the month, talk about the journals and invite the student to share how the journals helped them to focus on daily life and the present.



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