Practice Inclusivity

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Practice Inclusivity

Have the student think about how they can make their community a more inclusive place to be. Encourage the student to brainstorm ideas in a notebook and to create an action plan for each goal. Post the goals prominently in the workspace, and for the next few weeks, check in to discuss progress. During this time, invite the student to keep track of their own personal progress in any way that they choose. They might make a timeline of events, write an inclusivity journal, make a graph representing progress of the goal(s), or anything else that they think will work best for them.


Practice Inclusivity

Have the student think about how they can make their community a more inclusive place to be. Encourage the student to brainstorm ideas in a notebook and to create an action plan for each goal. Post the goals prominently in the workspace, and for the next few weeks, check in to discuss progress. During this time, invite the student to keep track of their own personal progress in any way that they choose. They might make a timeline of events, write an inclusivity journal, make a graph representing progress of the goal(s), or anything else that they think will work best for them.



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