Embrace Cultural Differences

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Embrace Cultural Differences

Invite the student to research one aspect of their family’s culture of origin (for example, traditions related to food or music or art). Encourage the student to search for what they think makes their family or culture special or different. They can start by speaking with their parents and grandparents, looking at photos or mementos, and learning more about their family history or culture. (Be aware that everyone's family situation will be different, and those differences should be treated sensitively and with respect.) Once the student has completed their research, invite them to create a written or audio/visual project that showcases their family or family culture.


Embrace Cultural Differences

Invite the student to research one aspect of their family’s culture of origin (for example, traditions related to food or music or art). Encourage the student to search for what they think makes their family or culture special or different. They can start by speaking with their parents and grandparents, looking at photos or mementos, and learning more about their family history or culture. (Be aware that everyone's family situation will be different, and those differences should be treated sensitively and with respect.) Once the student has completed their research, invite them to create a written or audio/visual project that showcases their family or family culture.



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