Offer Support to Others

FP FPL Remote Learning Icon v02

Offer Support to Others

Have the student think and talk about some of the ways that they show they care about or support their friends. Discuss how important it is to people to feel supported and cared for, and point out that not everyone has a solid network of friends. Encourage the student to think and talk about how they might help others in their community who might be feeling alone or isolated, such as the elderly. Encourage them to think about how they can show their friendship and support through actions in addition to words. Invite the student to come up with a plan for showing their support for an individual, or an organization, in their community. After they have made a plan and implemented it, invite them to write about their experiences.


Offer Support to Others

Have the student think and talk about some of the ways that they show they care about or support their friends. Discuss how important it is to people to feel supported and cared for, and point out that not everyone has a solid network of friends. Encourage the student to think and talk about how they might help others in their community who might be feeling alone or isolated, such as the elderly. Encourage them to think about how they can show their friendship and support through actions in addition to words. Invite the student to come up with a plan for showing their support for an individual, or an organization, in their community. After they have made a plan and implemented it, invite them to write about their experiences.



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