Research People Who Persevere

Research People Who Persevere

Talk about why it’s important to keep trying, even when you feel tired or discouraged. Be sure to also discuss how to determine which things are worth persisting at and which are not. Ask the student to identify people from history, fiction, or real life who overcame adversity or stuck with something even though it was difficult or took a long time. Have the student use primary sources such as newspapers, magazines, and the Internet to find examples of groups or individuals who persevered in achieving a goal. Discuss how they ultimately achieved their goals, whether others helped them, how it must have felt when they succeeded, and how the experience might have impacted the way they approached future challenges in their lives. Remind the student that persisting despite the passage of time and despite repeated obstacles is often a hallmark of perseverance.

Research People Who Persevere

Talk about why it’s important to keep trying, even when you feel tired or discouraged. Be sure to also discuss how to determine which things are worth persisting at and which are not. Ask the student to identify people from history, fiction, or real life who overcame adversity or stuck with something even though it was difficult or took a long time. Have the student use primary sources such as newspapers, magazines, and the Internet to find examples of groups or individuals who persevered in achieving a goal. Discuss how they ultimately achieved their goals, whether others helped them, how it must have felt when they succeeded, and how the experience might have impacted the way they approached future challenges in their lives. Remind the student that persisting despite the passage of time and despite repeated obstacles is often a hallmark of perseverance.



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