Heading into back-to-school season, stock up on your Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Reader's Notebooks and Writer's Notebooks (English and Spanish). Beginning August 1st, take 30% off list price with code SAVE30.
Reader's Notebooks (K-8)
Fountas & Pinnell Reader's Notebooks are 8.5x11 spiral notebooks for primary (K-2), intermediate (2-4), and advanced students (4-8). Reader's Notebooks are specially designed to promote reflection and dialogue about reading. With the Reader's Notebook, students gain a personal storehouse of thoughts and feelings and a place to access them for later review, reflection, and sharing. It is also a way for teachers to systematically assess students' responses to the texts they are reading independently.
Used throughout the academic year, the notebook serves as a continual record of one reader's book list, interests and reading responses. Students may write in longhand, make charts or quick sketches, or glue in their writings produced on the computer. The Reader's Notebook also contains many different resources for writing about reading. It is organized into easy-to-use, color-coded tabbed sections.
Writer's Notebooks (3-6)
Discover the magic of Fountas & Pinnell's Writer's Notebooks available for intermediate (3-4), and advanced (5-6) students. This sturdy 8x10 spiral-bound notebook contains guided prompts to help students brainstorm, make connections, and think deeply—all to better develop their writing.
Writers notice, listen, and observe every day, all the time. A writer’s notebook gives students a place to jot down ideas, explore different writing techniques, take notes, define new vocabulary, and experiment with quick writes. It is a place for writers to generate and try out ideas, play with craft moves, and learn about their identities and interests. When students use writer’s notebooks each day, they begin to live their lives with a writer’s eye—seeing ideas for writing in everyday occurrences. If they have daily opportunities to write and draw, they will learn to see themselves as writers and creators.