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Daily Lit Bit - 2/20/19

It is important that early in their lives as readers, children learn the power of choice. Only through choice can they develop tastes and preferences, learn that they like some writers better than others, and experience finding a great book that they can recommend to their friends.  (continue reading)
Wed, Feb 20, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 2/18/19

Fill your classroom library with many texts your students can read independently. Quantity matters. The higher the quality of the texts they read and comprehend, the stronger their foundation for talking and writing.  (continue reading)
Mon, Feb 18, '19

What is Independent Reading?

What is independent reading? Why is it important? And what does it look like in the classroom?  (continue reading)
Fri, Feb 15, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 2/14/19

For independent reading, students learn how to select books for themselves that interest them and that they can read with understanding and fluency.  (continue reading)
Thu, Feb 14, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 2/13/19

Minilessons place a strong instructional frame around independent reading.  (continue reading)
Wed, Feb 13, '19

Daily Lit Bit - 1/10/19

Guided reading leads to the independent reading that builds students' effective processing system.  (continue reading)
Thu, Jan 10, '19

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