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Create a Model River

Create a Model River

Talk with the child about transportation and the different ways that we move people and objects from one place to another. Discuss the vehicles used (cars, buses, trucks, trains, boats, airplanes), and the ways they travel (roads, highways, tracks, rivers and oceans, the sky). For the activity, focus on a river, and the ways it can be just like a road. On a table that is safe to get messy, or outside, create a "river": use tinfoil to create a long, narrow chute with the edges folded up to keep the water in. Put a bucket or tub on the floor at one end of the chute. Prop one end up slightly to create a gentle slope. Slowly pour in water at the top, so the child can explore sending objects down the river.


Topics: Daily Lit Bit, Daily Remote Learning Tip

Tue, May 11, '21

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